Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

die zukunft (gobalgedicht)

complaint conference
(the future of poetry)

silence please
the poets are talking
the poets are talking inside
the poets are talking inside the building
please silence they are talking about the future of poetry

silence please
the poets are worried
the poets are worried a lot
the poets are worried about poetry
the poets are worried about the future of poetry
but the truth is they are worried about the future of the poets

outside the building no silence at all
traffic runs through the streets with a roaring
a taxi driver is buying flowers for his girl
an old woman is saying a prayer
a grey bird is praising the sun
and the young man at the sidewalk
is loudly singing his favoured pop song

may be I am not a poet
but I am not worried 
about the future
of poetry

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Weltanfall,

    herzlich willkommen auf dem Blogglobus! Oder ists eher eine Scheibe, ein Haufen Seiten, ...?

    Schön von dir zu hören, da schaue ich nun mal hi und da bei dir vorbei :)

    Liebe Grüße aus Geringswalde . Tabea


  2. THE FUTURE is a ghost, created by Charles Dickens.

    Jinn Pogy

  3. @jinn: & charles dickens ist eine erfindung der PR abteilung des british council!

